(Co-educational, Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University) Chatrapatti - 626 102
Online Admission Going On..!
Identity Card

1. A photographic ID Card with Principal's signature will be issued to the students. Students have to wear the ID Card all the time when they are inside the campus. Students who have lost their ID Card may obtain the duplicate ID Card on payment from the administrative office.

Payment of Fee

1. Students should pay the tuition fees on or before the date fixed for the payment. No dues certificate from each student is a pre-requisite for permission to write semester exams and getting transfer certificate from the college.


1. Students can avail leave by getting prior permission from the Class-in- charge. The leave letters should be duly signed by Parents / Guardian and get the endorsement from the HOD & the Principal. If students had taken leave for more than 2 days, the leave application along with a medical certificate should be submitted by the student to the Head of the Department after meeting the Principal.


1. Every student is entitled to keep a book for 15 days from the date of issue.

2. Before entering the library, students should sign the library register kept at the entrance

3. Silence should be maintained inside the library.

4. Students are requested to use the library books with care. Underlining or marking in the books is forbidden.

5. If the students lost any library books, double the cost of books will be collected.

6. If the students lost any library books, double the cost of books will be collected U.G Students are allowed to borrow 2 books only & P.G Students are allowed to borrow 4 books at a time.

Dress Code

1. Decent Salwar Kameez or Chudithar with duppata neatly draped and pinned at both shoulders. All U.G. & P.G. Should come in Sarees in all Fridays.


1. Each department has an official notice board where important information relevant to the Students is displayed. In addition, there is a notice board in the Administrative office & Principal's room. Students are expected to read and familiarize with the location of all the notice boards.


1. Bonafide certificate / transfer / conduct certificate etc ,students must apply for it in writing to the Principal duly signed by the HOD & Class-in-Charge.

Club Membership

1. All the students should become a member of a club which provide opportunities for developing their knowledge & skills. The details of various clubs information will be given to the students at the beginning of the semester. Students are advised to contact the respective staff-in- charge to enroll their names under the clubs.

Mobile Phones

1. Usage of mobile phones is strictly banned inside the college premises. Violation of this rule will result in confiscation of the phone and a fine. Confiscated phones will be returned at the end of the course on payment of a fine & sim card will be returned immediately.

Best Department Award

1. Department with full attendance, maintenance of classroom, records,punctuality, Spoken English (except Tamil department) will be awarded with a rolling shield and Merit Certificate as "THE BEST DEPARTMENT" during the College day celebrations every year.

Disciplinary Rules

1. Ragging of any sort or indulging in any form of violence including emotional violence inside the college campus is strictly prohibited. (Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997(Tamil Nadu Act7 of 1997) Higher Education Go Ms. No.366 dated 26.7.1999).

2. Disobedience to management / staff, indecent behaviour.

3. Any kind of malpractice (cheating, copying in test / examinations, giving false declarations etc.)

4. Leaving the hostel without proper permission from the warden.

5. Indulging in any criminal activity is punishable under law.


1. SC/ST Students whose parental income is up to Rs. 2,50,000/- are eligible for District Aadhi Dravidar and Tribal welfare scholarship.

2. Beedi workers scholarship is available for the students.

3. Scholarship for minority students. Scheme of post-matric scholarships minorities under Prime Minister's new 15-point programme for the minorities' students, who have scored not less than 50% marks in the previous final examinations, and whose parent / guardians annual income is not more than Rs.2 lakhs, will be eligible for the scholarship.

4. Ulavar Scholarship for the children of farmers whose monthly income is less than 10,000/-. levels. Annual income of parent should be less than 4.5 lakhs & 80% score in +2

5. Central Government Scholarship for meritorious students in +2 levels. Annual income of parent should be less than 4.5 lakhs & 80% score in +2 is a must.

Laboratories Rules for Science Course Students

1. Practical instruments/Apparatus to be handled very carefully by the students. If anybody damages/breaks, she has to pay the entire cost of that apparatus.

2. If any apparatus is lost, the entire class must share and replace the same.


1. The eligibility for a student to appear for a semester examination is based on her percentage of attendance in that course.

2. The details of attendance of a student is maintained by the concerned course teacher in the attendance & assessment record notebook.

3. An attendance of 75% in a course is the minimum requirement for a student to appear for the end semester examination.

4. The students who secure an attendance between 60% and 74% in a particular course due to genuine reasons shall be permitted to appear for end-semester examination in that course, by submitting the medical / other certificates duly endorsed by the Head of the Department / Principal along with a payment of condonation fee, as prescribed by the University, at the point of time.

5. The students who secure an attendance below 60% in one or more courses in a semester shall repeat the course.


1. General Assembly will be conducted on Mondays by the respective Department. The first hour will start with a prayer & meditation for the whole college at 9.40 a.m.


1. The College provides hostel accommodation for the students.

2. Students seeking hostel accommodation are required to give a written request countersigned by their parent/guardian.

3. Students who wish to be residents shall strictly abide by the rules and regulations prescribed by the Management.

4. Inmates of each room are jointly and severally responsible for the furniture, fitting, etc. and any damage to the Hostel property is recoverable from them.

5. Guests or outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering the hostel without prior permission of the warden.

6. At the time of admission to the college and hostel, parents are instructed to submit their family members Photos.

Bus Rules

1. Students should keep noise levels low inside the bus.

2. Faculties also use the bus services and provide extra supervision in the buses.

3. Students should be ready and wait at their stops 5 minutes before pick up time.

4. Bus routes are very tightly scheduled and so the buses will not wait for latecomers.

5. Inform the driver or faculty, if not attending the college on the very next day (this will prevent the bus driver from waiting at the stop).

6. Changes in bus routes will not be entertained unless there is a shift of residence. Prior permission from HOD and Principal is necessary.

7. In addition, students should not put their hands or heads out of the window, not be rude to the people on the road, not to have food in the bus and should not throw things out of the bus.

8. Prompt payment of bus fees is a must for every one. Bus fees should be paid for all the 12 months compulsorily.

General Rules

1. Each Vyasite must consider the college as her second home. The college lays great emphasis on decent behaviour from every student.

2. Punctuality, courtesy, mutual respect, equality, secularism, universal brotherhood, obedience for the elders are expected from each Vyasite.

3. "Silence is the language of God". It is to be maintained while attending classes, college functions, meetings. etc.

4. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness". Vyasites are grownups and matured enough to understand the importance of cleanliness.

5. Students are not permitted to leave the college during the college timings. If a student wants to leave the college for some valid reasons before the closing timings, they must get gate pass.

6. While attending college functions, the students should conduct themselves in such a way as to bring recognition to themselves and to the institution.

7. Causing damage to the college property scribbling on desk & walls, breaking furniture / lab equipment is strictly prohibited. Students responsible will be asked to replace if not traceable, common fine will be levied.

8. Student must appear for all the tests & examination and should show satisfactory progress.

9. The students should adhere to the rules & regulations that may be issued from time to time.

10. Students are advised to inform the College Office / Department concerned in any change in their local / permanent addresses & contact numbers.

11. Students should converse only in English with their Faculties, Principal and other Higher Officials.This will improve communicative skill and give self-confidence.

12. Every student should greet her Faculties, Managing Committee Members by folding her hands in our Traditional Manner, Pranams / Vanakkam.

Admission 2024